Redheaded Neanderlady

Redheaded Neanderlady
This is a photoshopped version of something I found in National Geographic about the time I started researching

Monday, February 4, 2008

Medieval England was civilized!

Checking around in some of my blog links, I found this fascinating item. It's from Nan Hawthorne's blog about Anglo-Saxon England. About the only thing I might quarrel with, is that the period in question is described as the "Dark Ages". People who study that period shun this characterization, and prefer "Early Middle Ages". The author is also a mystery writer, though I must confess I've neer read her books. OTOH, I think the quiz contained therein, may surprise anybody who wanders in and reads it.
Anne G


Kit moss said...

Hi Anne! Thanks for mentioning my blog(s). I used the term "Dark Ages" in spite of knowing there was little dark about them because most readers I know think the "early middle ages" is the 12th century. I am not a mystery writer yet.. my first novel is due out this spring and is an alternate history adventure/romance. See .

Anne Gilbert said...

I took a look at your site for this "alternate history" and it's pretty "alternate", all right! But it also looks like it might be very interesting. Let me know when it gets published. I'll definitely take a look at it.
Anne G

Anne Gilbert said...


Also, just to letcha know, I think I'll add the link you sent to my blog.
anne G