Redheaded Neanderlady

Redheaded Neanderlady
This is a photoshopped version of something I found in National Geographic about the time I started researching

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The latest on the "wolf hunt"

Unfortunately, Judge Molloy ruled that the wolf hunt in Idaho and Montana could continue.  The carnage is set to begin on September 15 in Montana, and the BBC has a story, with video, here.  This story suggests that farmers and ranchers worry about wolves eating their livestock, and this is understandable, but that there is a lot of opposition, even in "red" Montana, to this proposed hunt.  I should note here that I know something about Montana, since I have family living there.  But they live where there's less farming and ranching, and more "other industry" going on there.  Missoula and Bozeman, especially, have fairly high -- for Montana -- populations, and are both college towns where people from places like California have moved.  My impression, for whatever it's worth, is that most people there, oppose hunting wolves, whatever else they're for or against.  It's different in places like Great Falls and Billings; they're out on the High Plains, and that's where there is still a fair amount of farming and ranching, though that part of Montana also has less population to worry about wolves eating their livestock. 


Be that as it may, all is not completely lost.  I read a pdf of the judge's ruling, which essentially said that the plaintiffs(various conservation organizations), didn't have enough evidence to show that irreparable harm would be done to those wolf populations likely to be hunted.  He did, however, leave what might be called a "loophole", in that he all but suggested these organizations could question the Department of the Interior's ruling on delisting the wolves, to see if it was lawfully and properly carried out, or that the proper amount of study was done.  And he also suggested that they could very well win the next round, on those grounds.  It won't stop the hunt, but it might stop future ones, at least until people either grow a different kind of consciousness about the relationships of predators and prey in any  ecosystem.  These categories include wolves, and whatever they tend to sink their teeth into, mainly members of the deer family. 


Be that as it may, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Wolves have enough problems just existing, without being shot at by angry and sometimes careless, farmers and ranchers.

Anne G

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