Redheaded Neanderlady

Redheaded Neanderlady
This is a photoshopped version of something I found in National Geographic about the time I started researching

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Flash! Funding partially restored to the Seattle Public Library!

In all this dull recessionary news lately, there is a bit of good news here, because the Seattle City Council has voted to restore some funding to the Seattle Public Library System.  Which means some of the staff that was going to be cut, will stay on.  And all of the hours at the Central branch, and some of the "important" neighborhood branches, will remain more or less the same.  Unfortunately, the branch I mainly use is one of the ones that is going to have its hours cut so that it isn't open on Fridays or Sundays.  At least not in 2010.  I'm heaving a great big sigh here, and we'll just have to keep working on restoring all the funding to all the libraries.  It will be an uphill struggle, by the looks of things(but I suppose that at the very least, job seekers will be better able to use the computer and employment search resources they have.

Anne G

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